A Major Differentiator

What makes a thriving innovation hub? A recent article in Business Facilities outlined the factors that make a region a “hub” for innovation.

each innovation hub is a geographic area that brings together institutions with a heavy research and development component, such as high-tech companies, universities, and medical facilities, with capital, incubators, and startups.

But how do you differentiate yourself in a sea of successful hubs around the U.S.? Michael Haley of Wake County Economic Development said it best:

Haley points to the strength of the collaboration in the Research Triangle region as being one of its differentiators, particularly related to the partnership between higher education and industry.

“Our region has a deep history rooted in collaboration that continues to foster an innovative spirit today,” Haley said. “The collaborative spirit of the Research Triangle is tightly woven into our identity. Those who have succeeded here are inspired to look back and help those next in line.”

If you would like to read the full article, you can visit the Business Facilities website.


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