Site Selection
There are many factors to consider when vetting a site for relocation or expansion. Raleigh Economic Development assists your search with resources, connections, and tools to support your process. Considering our low cost of doing business, available incentives, robust inventory, and capital city location, these things add up quickly when selecting Raleigh, North Carolina.
One-Stop Location
North Carolina’s incentive programs are performance-based, with the ultimate goal of supporting the business and community. We work with your company and the State of North Carolina to outline an incentive plan to guide the relocation or expansion of your business.
Business Investment Grant for the City of Raleigh: Grants based on new job creation and new ad valorem taxable investments made by companies.
Wake County’s Business Development Grant: Offers a series of five tiers with investment and job thresholds.
Competitive Incentives, State of North Carolina: Offers a variety of grants based on performance, situation, and need.
Sites & Buildings
Raleigh Economic Development has well-documented available sites and resources to assist with the site location decision. We encourage you to visit our Sites & Buildings page or contact Kyle Touchstone for questions.
Our partnership with economic development organizations is one of the reasons North Carolina is the number one state for business. We know how to collaborate and partner across county lines.
Below is a list of organizations that may be part of your decision to relocate to North Carolina and Raleigh.